Dr. Emilio Minguez Torres
Since February 2023, he has held the position of Rector of the University of the Caribbean (UNICARIBE) in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. His academic background includes a degree in Industrial Engineering, obtained in 1973 at the Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Industriales de Madrid (ETSII) of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), and a PhD in the same specialty from the UPM in 1981. In 1999, he achieved the title of University Professor and, since 2021, he holds the appointment of Professor Emeritus.
His career has also led him to assume several prominent roles in professional and scientific organizations. Since March 2023, he has been President of the Spanish Nuclear Society and, since November 2022, he has been President of the Association of Industrial Engineers of Madrid (AIIM). At the collegiate level, he has been a member of the Official Association of Industrial Engineers of Madrid (COIIM) since January 2023. In addition, since 2022, he has been a member of the Committee of Experts in Communication and Information of the Spanish Nuclear Safety Council.
Previously, he was President of the European Nuclear Society from 2020 to 2023, and between 2014 and 2018 he held the position of Director of the ETSII of the UPM, achieving that this became the first engineering school in Spain to obtain ABET accreditation. His career at UPM includes the roles of Vice Rector for Academic Management and Faculty (2004-2012) and Vice Rector for Academic Planning and PhD (2012-2014). He was also Director of the Department of Nuclear Engineering at ETSII (1999-2002).
At the international level, he is a member of the International Assessment of the Discipline of Nuclear Science and Technology at Harbin Engineering University of China, a position he has held at different stages, from July 2019 to September 2024. He was also a member of the Euratom Scientific and Technical Committee, appointed by the Spanish government, from 2014 to 2018, and participated as an international expert in the 2012 Study EURATOM Horizon 2020 program.
His research career stands out for his leadership in international projects. He was the principal investigator of the Spanish group in the NATO Collaborative Research Grant Programme, in collaboration with the Physics Department of the University of Florida in Gainesville, between 1992 and 1994. He also led the project “X-Ray Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer in Laser Produced Plasmas” (1993-1997), promoted by the LULI laboratory and financed by the Human Capital and Mobility program of the European Union. In addition, he permanently represented the European Selection Panel for the selection of experiments at the LULI laboratory, within the Access to Large Scale Facilities program of the EU, from 1993 to 1998. Throughout his academic career, he has supervised 15 doctoral theses, whose doctoral candidates now occupy prominent positions, such as university professors or senior executives in engineering companies.
Indexed Magazines with more than 200 published articles
- Fusion Technology.
- Nuclear Technology.
- Laser and Particle Beams.
- Journal Quantum
- Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer.
- Physics Letters B.
- Nuclear Europe.
- Nuclear Instrument and Methods.
- Participation in some 150 international conferences, as invited speaker at more than one third of them, as session chair and as organizing chair or chair of the international committee.
Invited by the following universities and institutions:
- OCDE-NEA Data Bank. París. Septiembre-Noviembre 1981.
- Instituto Lebedev. Academia de Ciencias de la URSS. Moscú. diciembre 1985.
- Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Oxford. Septiembre 1985.
- Centre Europee de Calcul Atomique et Moleculaire., Saclay (Francia). Septiembre 1985.
- Naval Research Laboratory. Washington DC. Estados Unidos. Mayo.
- Ispra Research Centre(EURATOM). Ispra (Italia). Noviembre 1986.
- Los Alamos National Laboratory. Estados Unidos. Septiembre 1987-Noviembre 1993.
- Livermore National Laboratory. Estados Unidos. Noviembre 1989-Octubre 1992.
- University of Florida. Gainesville. Estados Unidos. Octubre 1989. junio-agosto 1991.
- Ecole Polytechnique.(Laboratorio LULI). Francia, desde 1993 a 1999.
- Profesor invitado en Summer School at Norhwersten Polytechnical University (NPU), Xi´an (China). (julio 2018).
- Profesor invitado en Summer School at Polytechnical University of Saint Petersburg (Rusia). (julio 2018 y julio 2019).
- Profesor invitado en el Instituto Balseiro (Argentina) (agosto-noviembre 2019).
- Profesor invitado en el Korean Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) (enero-marzo 2020).
- Purdue University (USA) (Diciembre 2016).
- Tongi University (China) (Diciembre 2017).
- Xi´an Jiaotong (China) (Octubre 2018) (Abril 2019).
Expert in
- Fission and Fusion Nuclear Science and Technology.
- Climate Change and Energy Transition Analysis.
- Knowledge management.
- Jan Runermark Award 2018, by the European Nuclear Society Young Generation Network.
- Jose Artigas Foundation, 1983, to the best PhD during the Academic Course 1982-83 defended at College of Industrial Engineering (UPM).
- Mención de Honor de la Sociedad Nuclear Española,2002.
- Award de la European Nuclear Education Network Association, 2018.
- Medalla de honor de la ETSII. Diciembre 2022.
- Premio a la labor profesional. Asociación Antiguos Alumnos. 2023.