
Higher Technician in Cloud Computing and Virtualization

UNICARIBE offers the Higher Technician in Cloud Computing and Virtualization, based on the current demands of the labor market. This is characterized by the revolutionary development of information and communications technologies (ICT), which have given rise to a new scenario of social dynamics, called “information and knowledge society”.

Higher Technician in Professional Kitchen Management and Gastronomy

The Higher Technician in Professional and Gastronomic Kitchen Management seeks to train individuals in the culinary art with a vision of quality in all aspects of this area of knowledge. This study plan forges in the student competencies focused on the cultural, social and personal needs of the clients with whom he/she will work, based on the fundamental creation of a gastronomic product of excellence.

Higher Technician in Port Administration

The Higher Technician in Port Administration has been designed with the purpose of training qualified personnel to operate the logistics of distribution and transportation of merchandise at national and international level, applying the corresponding regulations and technological tools that make port processes viable. This program provides the student with ethical standards and respect for the laws that regulate customs actions.

Higher Technician in Municipal Administration

The Higher Technician in Municipal Administration, exposes a promotion of the principles of modernity, development and mechanisms of local management. These elements enable the student to provide him with competencies in actions that favor his environment, so that he can make decisions within the government system.

Higher Technician in Customs Administration

UNICARIBE’s Higher Technician in Customs Administration responds to the needs of the market to have professionals trained in customs management. These with a technical focus on customs procedures and activities from foreign trade. The student will obtain experienced skills and abilities in transportation, logistics, storage and taxation, in compliance with international trade standards and current laws.