About Us

Since 1995, when we began our operations, the University of the Caribbean (UNICARIBE) has been characterized as a distance and inclusive university, recognized for its innovative educational model and the incorporation of information and communication technologies in the teaching process. learning. We are identified by the excellence, variety, updating and relevance of our programs, thus contributing competent, ethical and innovative graduates to society.

Our teaching and administrative staff is made up of highly qualified professionals, specialized in the blended and virtual model, actively promoting the development of our students’ skills.

At UNICARIBE the educational model is based on sustainability, innovation, entrepreneurship and inclusion, this has made us an attractive higher education institution.

We invite you to be part of the UNICARIBE family and see the extraordinary results you will reap. Reinvent yourself with us.

“UT SEMES ITA METES”, as you sow, so you will reap.



