About Us
Since 1995, when we began our operations, the University of the Caribbean (UNICARIBE) has been characterized as a distance and inclusive university, recognized for its innovative educational model and the incorporation of information and communication technologies in the teaching process. learning. We are identified by the excellence, variety, updating and relevance of our programs, thus contributing competent, ethical and innovative graduates to society.
Our teaching and administrative staff is made up of highly qualified professionals, specialized in the blended and virtual model, actively promoting the development of our students’ skills.
At UNICARIBE the educational model is based on sustainability, innovation, entrepreneurship and inclusion, this has made us an attractive higher education institution.
We invite you to be part of the UNICARIBE family and see the extraordinary results you will reap. Reinvent yourself with us.
“UT SEMES ITA METES”, as you sow, so you will reap.
Universidad del Caribe (UNICARIBE) was founded in 1995, located in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, with the mission of offering quality higher education, accessible and oriented towards the integral development of its students. It was conceived as a university that could provide educational opportunities to people who, for work or personal reasons, could not access academic programs. Since its inception, UNICARIBE has adopted an innovative approach to higher education, combining blended and distance education. Its flexible, affordable and inclusive model has allowed many professionals to continue their studies while working, which has been key to its growth and acceptance in Dominican society.
Some milestones in UNICARIBE’s history include:
- 1. Founded in 1995: It was founded in 1995 by Celedonio Más Garrido, who was the sponsor of the foundation, together with Dr. José Andrés Aybar Sánchez and Dr. José Ramón Holguín Brito, among others, led the creation of the university with a focus on professional training and the development of skills that responded to the needs of the Dominican labor market at that time. It began its operations in the facilities of the Caribbean Military Academy (AMC), a school owned by Mas Garrido, which today is part of the Foundation to which UNICARIBE belongs.
- 2. Academic expansion: Over the years, the university has expanded its academic offerings, incorporating new majors and graduate programs in areas such as engineering, business and public administration, education, law and more. Its focus on distance education programs has been pioneering in the region.
- 3. Focus on research: In recent years, UNICARIBE has strengthened its commitment to research, establishing links with international institutions and promoting scientific production through various chairs and research centers, such as the Center for Analysis and International Studies of the Caribbean (CAYEI).
- 4. Contribution to society: The university has played an important role in the formation of leaders and professionals who contribute to the economic, social and cultural development of the Dominican Republic and the Caribbean. In addition, it has been committed to social responsibility, participating in community projects and promoting sustainability, with inclusive full scholarship programs for people with special needs.
- 5. International collaboration: Over the years, UNICARIBE has forged alliances with universities and international organizations, strengthening its presence in the global academic arena.
- 6. It has the first class educational technology platforms. With Banner as student information system, Blackboard as LMS, Cloudlabs virtual labs, videoconferencing with Class.
- To be an inclusive distance university, recognized for its innovative programs and use of advanced technologies, to train leaders committed to the needs of society, with equity and contributing to sustainable development.
- “To train professionals committed to the development of their environment, competent and ethical, through an innovative model that contributes to the development and social welfare, based on standards of excellence and quality”.
- Respect
- Inclusion
- Equity
- Humanism
- Integrity